UPSIZE PH | 10 Motivational Wallpapers to Keep Your Vibe Up

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10 Motivational Wallpapers to Keep Your Vibe Up

10 Motivational Wallpapers to Keep Your Vibe Up

It's another Monday! And we're not sure if it's just us or has August been a bit dragging? 

I mean, can you believe it's only the half of the month? Either so many things are just happening (you know, with earthquakes and other crazy shenanigans) or there's some changes in the way the world turns or something.

Whatever the reason may be, life is life and we gotta keep living. 

Since you ladies are crazy AM to PM about your phone, why not give some pizzaz by putting a cool wallpaper. We took the liberty of finding you nice ones for every mood so here you go.

For when you're nearing the end of your patience

For when you forget to slow things down and end up rushing through life

For when you're already doubting yourself

For when you're going through too much

For when you need to amp yourself up in the morning

For when you want to be inspired by kindness in the world

For when you feel that life has nothing good to give

For when you need a reminder of how strong you are

For when you just don't give one anymore

For when you need a little pep talk

You've got a long way to go, fighter! Go show 'em how strong you are and keep on slaying!

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