This Girl Bought 5 Subways To Answer A Question We've All Been Itching to Get Answered
There's no shame in being a small girl. If you're 5'5, you know what we mean.
It's relatively easy to lose and gain weight but when it comes to height, we simply have no choice but to embrace the height we're at and love ourselves (especially cause it's easier to get most clothes and shoes on our size).
Along with our fun-sized height are tons of equally fun thoughts that come into our playful minds. We tend to relate to a bunch of things that can make sense of our tiny statute.
For example, subway sandwiches.
Cherry Anne Buraga of Sydney, Australia becomes an instant modern day superhero as she finally proves the theory that 5-foot people are as tall as 5 Subway sandwiches.
And well...
She really did it.
Bless your heart, #SubwayGirl
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