6 Reasons Why Depression Should Never Be Trivialized
British novelist Matt Haig once said “Depression isn’t a choice, but stigma and ignorance are.”
The brain is an organ, in fact, it’s the most complex organ in the body. And just like any other organ, it can malfunction or get sick.
It’s 2017, and if by some reason you still think depression is some “made up” thing or someone just “being sad,” here’s why you’re wrong:
1. Depression results from chemical imbalance in the brain. That imbalance changes the way the brain works and thinks. Depression is a deficiency in chemistry, not character.
2. Depression can affect anyone, regardless of age, geographic location, demographic, or social position.
3. Depression is not romantic. There are no signs. You never know when someone you know might be depressed.
4. Clinical depression can be treated and managed. The most common treatments are antidepressant medication and psychological counseling. Most of the time, a combination of both is recommended. It is important to note that antidepressant medications may take several months to work.
5. There are different types of depression.
6. Depression can actually cause physical pain such as headaches, fatigue, and chest pain.
Depression is not a weakness and it’s definitely not “gawa-gawa lang ng mga tao sa sarili nila.”
There is nothing romantic or cool about it. We personally know people who don’t eat or bathe for days because they are in a dark, dark place.
The best we can do, instead of telling these depression-diagnosed peers they're just being so dramatic and making things up, is to be there for them when they need someone to lean on and simply listen.