UPSIZE PH | Handling the Holiday Blues Like the Adult You Are

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Handling the Holiday Blues Like the Adult You Are

Handling the Holiday Blues Like the Adult You Are

Remember when you were little, still a firm believer of Santa Claus, and you're excited for Christmas eve to come? Or that time when you were in high school and you can't wait for the Christmas party cause you just know you'd get a gift from that boy from the other class who has a massive crush on you? Even that one time in college freshman year when you're excited for Christmas cause then you can show up in your new fancy outfit.

Days have gone by though and somehow most of us find ourselves unable to be as ecstatic about Christmas anymore. We keep wondering why. Asking where we might have went wrong. Still on the lookout for that magical Christmas vibe.

Some of us find that the reason behind that is because we're still stuck in school prepping for finals or working cause we maxed out our vacation leaves last summer or even too busy because handling businesses mean no holidays.

Reverting to social media, we see posts shared telling us that there are lots of other people feeling the same way we do. And we feel comfort in that. And the internet tells us that the lack of enthusiasm towards the Christmas season is because of one inevitable thing - adulthood.


We post things like this perhaps because somehow it comforts us to know we're not alone. Because most of our "adult" friends also feel the same way.

Let me tell you one thing though. You're wrong.

Christmas should never stop being a festive celebration of giving and sharing your blessings. We may have more responsibilities now as adults as opposed to how things were when we were still young and the only thing we have to worry about is what to wish to Santa come Christmas eve.

Being adults is not an excuse to not be in the spirit of the holidays. 

When we were young, we did not have to bother about what to give to others. We only received. And we're very happy about that. The new toys, new clothes, new everything.

As adults, we are "expected" to give more than receive. Perhaps this is why it has become so heavy and dreadful for us. The adult you should not feel expected to give nor entitled to receive. You can be just as excited for Christmas when you know genuinely in your heart that this is the perfect time to reflect on all the wonderful things you have been through for the year and share your happiness with other people. 

When we were young, we loved seeing everybody. Our grandparents, our aunts and uncles, most especially our cousins and friends. We were excited about all the food and games.

As adults, we must admit we have become busy living life trying to be as responsible as we can be. So we end up being too tired for reunions. Now we dread seeing our aunts who has become so nosy and our cousins who we grew distant from. We control ourselves from enjoying the bountiful feast. The adult you should know that if anything, the most valuable time we can give anybody is our time and attention. Something so preciously priceless that though unspoken of, our family and friends really appreciate. That food is meant to be shared and enjoyed during this season without being judged.

When we were young, we used to be excited about Christmas. The holidays being around the corner means no classes, no assignments or exams. We had nothing to worry about because when we come back to school the following year, it's a fresh start. A new year. And we become equipped with stories to share to our classmates about how we spent our holidays and all the gifts we received.

As adults, perhaps the main thing we get excited about Christmas coming is the bonus we're going to get, maybe the little amount of vacation leaves we can take, and the parties we can go to. We worry about how to keep to our budget when we need to get everybody gifts. Sometimes, we're not even sure what to look forward to for the following year. 

The adult you has been so drowned in responsibilities, worries, and anxiety brought about by society's unusual expectations that you forgot to take a step back, relax, and breathe in the cool holiday spirit in the air.

When you think about it, the only reason why we've been having holiday blues, regardless of where we are in life right now, is because our perspectives have changed. The way we look forward to and look at Christmas is different as to how it was when we were little girls and ignorance was bliss.

If you're entitled to anything, it is to feel. Luxuriate in beautiful Christmas music and do not restrict yourself in feeling. Be conscious of your surroundings and see the wonder of Christmas in the littlest things. Being an adult means you have more freedom to choose how to feel the spirit of the holidays. Believe in the miracle of kindness in humanity. 

Instead of counting your worries, failures, and shortcomings, count your blessings. You have so much to be thankful for when you look past all the trials you have gone through. Wallow in gratitude and compassion. You have the choice to show it through giving material things or your time and full attention.

There is nothing more dreadful than a Christmas not well spent. Make your own grown-up Christmas list. Your perspective of the holidays and of the world around you may have changed and that's okay. It's never too late to make sure that it has changed for the better.

Just as the young you in pajamas excitedly opened presents on Christmas morning, you deserve to feel and celebrate the season now more than ever before.

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