UPSIZE PH | Say Goodbye To Sore Throat During The Holidays With Strepsils

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Say Goodbye To Sore Throat During The Holidays With Strepsils

Say Goodbye To Sore Throat During The Holidays With Strepsils

For Filipinos, Christmas is not just a date on the calendar. It’s a season that starts from the day you make your shopping list for gifts. 

Christmas means putting up the tree, having Christmas reunions here and there, and enjoying karaoke with family and friends. What’s the worst thing that could happen? All the celebrations getting disrupted when you have a sore throat.

Holiday stress plus the cool breeze of the “ber” months takes a toll on your immune system. Do you really think you can slow down the holiday rush? A fast solution is much-needed in a packed schedule. Strepsils is the answer!

Strepsils is the trusted Filipino companion when it comes to sore throat. With these soothing medicated lozenges, Strepsils helps provide relief in as fast as 60 seconds up to 2 hours!

These medicated lozenges pack a punch with active ingredients: Amylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol. It is clinically proven to relieve pain & soothe the throat.

You can get Strepsils at leading drugstores nationwide.

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