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It’s Hungry Ghost Month; Here Is A List Of What Not To Do

As if it wasn’t enough that we’re mandated to stay home because of COVID-19, it’s also Hungry Ghost Month from today (August 8) to September 6, 2021.

The Chinese believe spirits break free from the gates of hell to roam the world and be amongst the living. This month is a bad time to start anything big, like a new business and marriage. This is also not a good time to move houses or get a new job.

The Ghost Day is every 15th day of the seventh lunar month (August or September in the Gregorian calendar) while the seventh lunar month is known as the Hungry Ghost Month

The Chinese Ghost Festival, to honor the departed, happens on August 22 or the month’s 15th lunar day. It is believed, by the way, that these spirits will gravitate toward those born in the Year of the Goat (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015).

Here are some don’ts for this month. They’re not really rules but just things to avoid.

Don’t wear red or black as ghosts are attracted to this color.

Don’t take walks at night.

Don’t wear caps, hats or head coverings that will cover your forehead as this is believed to weaken your life force.

Don’t swim.

Don’t climb mountains or go camping.

Meanwhile, here are some dos:

Keep your house well-lighted. The spirits, it is said, like the dark.

Wear bright colors.

Make sure you have rock salt at home. Some feng shui masters even advise keeping a pouch with rock salt in your purse at all times.

Light some incense.