UPSIZE PH | How to Swat and Avoid in Proper Melania Trump Fashion

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How to Swat and Avoid in Proper Melania Trump Fashion

How to Swat and Avoid in Proper Melania Trump Fashion

People have been very open in talking about Melania. To be relatively fair, she is in the public eye so being subject to the people's various judgment is pretty normal - especially since she's been with the Donald.

Now, Donald Trump isn't exactly the most caring gentleman. We don't think we need to expound so much on this, supposing you don't live under a rock.

We've all shown Melania the empathy and support she needed ever since the inauguration when Donald Trump didn't even bother waiting for her and assisting her to the White House. Sure she's been making her fair share of mistakes but it's not difficult to see why she's also probably having a hard time adjusting to her *bigly*-egoed husband.

But right now, she's kicking back in a very subtle yet in-your-face fashion that no one could definitely miss.

There's recently been a video circulating on how Melania subtly swats Donald Trump's hand after an attempt to hold hers at a tarmac in Israel and it's gooold!

Since the inauguration, Donald Trump hasn't exactly been known to be the kind of man who waits for his wife especially while walking. Well, clad in a powerful white suit and skirt, Melania seems to be tired of his tiny hands.

And then it happened the second time!

As Air Force One touched down in Rome and was happily waving to everyone, Donald tried to hold Melania's hand again and she once again subtly rejects his gesture with the classic "Imma just brush my hair out my eyes now" move we're probably all familiar with.

Apparently, the first lady's got some moves up her sleeve. You are classic, Melania! 

*Post photo from USA today.

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