UPSIZE PH | Single and Not Mingling? You're Disabled, Says the WHO

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Single and Not Mingling? You're Disabled, Says the WHO

Single and Not Mingling? You're Disabled, Says the WHO

All the single people, put your hands up! *puts hands up* We are now considered disabled by the World Health Organization.

Did you know that a majority of the world’s population is made up of single people? Records from the US, Europe, and Asia similarly show that a greater percentage of the continents’ people are actually single. (Perhaps it’s because millennials are dominating the earth’s population, tbh). Maybe the world truly is changing in more ways than we imagined.

Article from's Rhett Jones:

According to the Telegraph, the World Health Organization will change its definition of disabilities to classify people without a sexual partner as “infertile.” The controversial new classifications will make it so that heterosexual single men and women, as well as gay men and women who are seeking in vitro fertilization to have a child, will receive the same priority as couples. This could make access to public funds for IVF available to all.

For the WHO’s Dr. David Adamson, one of the authors of the new standards, this move is about creating medical equality. He says, “The definition of infertility is now written in such a way that it includes the rights of all individuals to have a family, and that includes single men, single women, gay men, gay women.”

Under the American Disabilities Act, a person with a disability is defined as someone with “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a person who has a history or record of such an impairment, or a person who is perceived by others as having such an impairment.” Because the ADA does not name all of the impairments that are covered, the new WHO guidelines could apply, or even be unnecessary. After all, having children is a major life activity for many people.

The World Health Organization has still not made its new terms official but they seem to be moving forward. It remains to be seen what effects the move will have on individual countries’ health programs.


I still don't think we are allowed to park in PWD spaces though.

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